Posted by soundhaspriority on 04/27/06 21:29
In some ways, and I hate to say this, but our very own "Psycho Bob" is
more of an interesting character than even myself. No, I'm not drunk,
nor did I get into Psyycho Bob's weighty medicine cabinet. It's just
that I was doing a search on something and came across some of his
background. No doubt, the guy is, pure and simple, a "maniac". But a
methodical maniac. For example...
Did you know that in the early 90's, he sued his university (Drexel)
after that would not grant him a phd in electrical engineering? Drexel
looked into the matter and found that no wrongdoing had been done.
That's not the interesting part. What's interesting about that, is that
nevertheless, the Psycho won. A female judge agreed that "bad faith and
ill will" were part of the decision on Drexel's behalf. I find that
kind of ironic, since Psycho Bob has shown more than enough "bad faith"
toward me, and just declared today that he wishes me "ill", therefore
he shows "ill will" toward me. Not that I'm going to take him to the
Supreme court court over that....
However, the ruling was a landmark one for the judicial system since it
went against an American tradition of the courts staying out of the
decisions of academia. So Drexel appealed and the state Supreme court
finally had the sense to say "Get lost and stop clogging up the court
system with your insane arguments!" to Crazy Bob. In the court
documents, our resident RAO lunatic was described as an "eccentric" man
("eccentric" is of course a polite society word for "lunatic"). He
described himself as a "tenacious" man (which is of course another word
for "obsessive"), and vowed to take the fight all the way to the
SUPREME Supreme Court. Psycho Bob's own attorney had this to say about
"I will eat my shoe if the Supreme Court hears this case," declared
Hamburg. "We're not even going to file a response. He (Psycho Bob) is a
brilliant guy, but his intelligence should be used for the advancement
of society rather than pursuing self-destructive litigation."
I find it interesting that his own attorney says this crazy lunatics
"intelligence should be used for the advancement of society rather than
pursuing self-destructive litigation.". Because that is another way of
saying "Get a life, Psycho Bob". Which is basically the same message
I've been trying to convey to RAO's infamous obsessive lunatic for
about 2 months now. Unfortunately, he's not hearing it.
Not heeding advice from his attorney, Robert "Psycho Bob" continued his
pursuit of "self-destruction" by aiming his impotent weapons at
slightly smaller targets than the SUPREME COURT OF AMERICA. I'm
speaking of course, of Brian McCarty. Which he has trolled for 7 years
now.... Since Brian doesn't post on RAO and since Psycho Bob is
hopelessly addicted to RAO, he's certainly not going to actually take
his psycho ass OFF the group to go find and harm McCarty. Best Robert
can do is post an anti-Bose faq on RAO on occasion. it seems. Which
isn't even a mosquito bite for old "Bwian".
So what does our resident psycho troll do now? Well... that's where I
come in. He decides that I'm "Doctor Richard Graham" of PWB, despite
being told by Dr. Graham that he does not post here and indeed, the
London psychiatrist does not have the time to post -anywhere-. Then,
the self-described "tenacious" Mad Morein made me a target, and his 7
phds is being put to good use by attacking --each and every single one
of my posts--- that I make on this newsgroup, day in day out, within
seconds or minutes of me making them.
Q. What evil has posessed "Psycho Bob" Morein to keep coming up with
"enemies" to fight for his entire unproductive adult life? Be they
Drexel, the Supreme Court, his attorney, Brian McCarty or "Doctor
Richard Graham"? I say it appears to be a sickly combination of drugs
and neurosis, but I put it out to the floor.
Talk amongst yourselves, I'm feeling a little veklempt....
Here's a few facts on the subject to help you along:
Q. Did Psycho Bob ever make use of his university degrees?
A. No.
Q. Did Psycho Bob ever make use of his precious "estimation theory"?
A. I estimate: No. The theory turned out to be worthless, and the
patent was rejected.
Q. Did Psycho Bob ever make use of his electrical engineering studies?
A. No. Not even as much as Arnold Krueger/Kruger, since at least Arny
is hawking PC sound cards.... which I suppose is "kinda" related to
electrical engineering. That plus Arny fries fish for a living and what
do fryers run on? Yup. "Electricity".
Q. Did Psycho Bob ever do anything with any of his quote "7 degrees"?
A. Yes. He used the approximately $30,000 it cost him to acquire the 7
phds (not to mention the thousands of dollars of attorney's fees in
order to get the last degree in engineering) to sharpen his "trolling
skills" on RAO.
Now don't you guys feel fortunate to have a 7 phd never-was engineer
devoting his life to you and your newsgroup? If I'm half the egomaniac
that half the group thinks, then imagine how flattered I must feel that
Crazy Bob is spending his entire waking days and nights trolling me
within seconds of every post I put up.
I once reduced Arny to spamming dozens of the exact same post across
many newsgroups (and got him kicked off his ISP for that), and I
recently reduced Crazy Bob Morein to dribbling out the very same
spamming gibberish over and over and over again (ie: "Well said, Doctor
Richard Graham"). But despite the similarities in the way the two
think, even Arny was never as obsessive as Psycho Bob. They're both
neurotic, but I believe the major difference is:
"Crazy Bob" is beyond therapy.
(Do a Google WEB search for the phrase "ill will", or the words "evil",
"sick", "asshole", "madman", "obsessive", "crazy", and the name "Robert
Morein". Guess who's going to come up? Yup. Our very own "Psycho Bob",
one of Usenet's most infamous obsessive trolls).
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