Posted by Harri Mellin on 05/03/06 17:09
In article <e3a29e$lc1$1@emma.aioe.org>,
"Sla#s" <phil@KNOTslatts.fsworld.co.uk> wrote:
> davenetman@yahoo.com wrote:
> > What exactly is DRM? I mean I know it's a digital rights protection,
> > but what exactly does and doesn't it allow me to do? If a song file
> > has DRM, can I still copy it, burn it to a cd, play it on an mp3
> > player, etc?
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Digital_rights_management
> The iTunes DRM bit is about halfway down.
> From :
> http://www.eff.org/IP/DRM/guide/
> The Facts: You Bought It, But They Still Own It
> Imagine if Tower Records sold you a CD, but then, a few months later,
> knocked on your door and replaced the CD with one that you can't play in
> your car. Would you still feel like you "owned" the CD? Not so much, eh?
> But Apple reserves the right to change at any time what you can do with the
> music you purchase at the iTunes Music Store. For instance, in April 2004,
> Apple decided to modify the DRM so people could burn the same playlist only
> 7 times, down from 10. How much further will the service restrict your
> ability to make legal personal copies of your own music? Only Apple knows.
> Another hallmark of ownership is the right to give away or sell your
> property. That's called "first sale," and it's explicitly protected under
> copyright law. Yet Apple's DRM frustrates first sale-just ask George
> Hotelling, who had to give away the login and password to his iTunes Music
> Store account in order to resell a single song.
> As the table below shows, there are many other ways that Apple's DRM limits
> what you can do with a song you "own." Many other a la carte download
> services choose to impose similar restrictions. How "generous" of them.
> Additional iTunes Music Store Restrictions
> a.. Restricts back-up copies: Song can only be copied to 5 computers
> b.. Restricts converting to other formats: Songs only sold in AAC with
> Apple DRM
> c.. Limits portable player compatibility: iPod and other Apple devices
> only
> d.. No remixing: Cannot edit, excerpt, or otherwise sample songs
> --------------------------
> Slatts
Microsoft DRM on wma isn't better
Swedish Webcams <http://web.telia.com/~u85529234>
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