Posted by <normanstrong on 05/05/06 14:52
<vinayak1986@gmail.com> wrote in message
>I HAV a hug collection of songs on my drive.my pals tell me converting
> them to wma reduces ur storage space required to half while the
> original sound quality is retained or even improved.what do u say abt
> this??
I use WMA, but mainly because I got started that way. I have lousy hearing,
so it's possible that my 64kb/s files sound worse than 128kb/s mp3s, and I
just haven't picked up on it. Lately, I've been using variable bit rate
WMA, which takes up even less space for a given quality. VBR consumes
anywhere from 2 to 4% of the space required by wav files, depending on the
type of music.
People who have listened to my compressed files haven't noticed any
Norm Strong
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