Posted by Pat Horridge on 05/11/06 08:45
"Mr. Tapeguy" <mr.tapeguy@pro-tape.com> wrote in message
>> Whatever Tapeguy.. Your preoccupation with Nappy is kinda sick.
> Flattery will get you nowhere but honestly, I would ignore you entirely
> if not to stop the spread of misinformation. I am preoccupied with
> that.
>> There is a difference of opinion
>> > on what gives you the most for the money. Apple hardware, while it has
>> > come down in price, is basically (except for the video card) ready to
>> > go when you get it out of the box.
>> As are PCs. This is typical Apple sales hype.
> Maybe they are at Radio Shack but not everywhere. The point is that
> PC's vary widely, especially when they are custom built. You can't buy
> a cheap Dell and run an Avid on it. That's why NLE manufacturers have
> specifications for systems which can run their software. SOME PC's
> may be ready to go out of the box. Others aren't. There are a bunch
> of different box manufacturers and component manufacturers and a lot of
> people choose to build their own PC or have one custom-built. Very few
> people build their own Macs and that's pretty much relegated to the
> OSX86 project.
>> PC's can be built for NLE use for
>> > less money if that's they way you prefer to go but with the additional
>> > options you also have the additional conflicts that come with the
>> > variables and of course, all that fun stuff that goes with Windows.
>> This is typical Apple sales hype. And pure BS. Sounds like this guy has
>> never even been near a PC.
> Wrong. I have been near PC's and use them nearly every day. I am
> responsible for writing the check for IT, anti-virus software and other
> things that computers need. The Windows operating systems has more
> issues that OS X does and there are more conflicts related to using
> different chips, motherboards, peripherals and other components with
> PC's. It's a documented fact and you can deny it all you want. There
> are plenty of good reasons to use a PC - fewer issues with Windows
> isn't one of them.
>> FWIW.. there are MANY turnkey manufacturers of PC hardware just for
>> editing.
>> but most ANY PC will allow you to run a NLE with no tweaks to anything.
>> Don't buy that bull.
> That is absolute nonsense. Maybe your $399 Dell will run Pinnacle
> Studio but it won't run Avid Xpress Pro HD. "The turnkey manfacturers
> of PC hardware just for editing" means that they ARE CUSTOM-CONFIGURED
>> > Both Avid and Final Cut Studio run on a Mac. FCS is Mac only.
>> >
>> > It's also important to note that within Final Cut Studio is Final Cut
>> > Pro, Live Type, Compressor, DVD Studio Pro, Motion and Soundtrack Pro.
>> > They are designed to work within OS X Tiger and the OS, hardware and
>> > software are all from the same company which means they are designed to
>> > work together. No finger pointing!
>> As are application bundles on the PC.
> Good. Perhaps if you name some specifically and how they compare in
> functionality to FCS it might be of some use for the OP. That works
> much better than "me too."
>> > At any rate, read the articles referenced above and ask questions on
>> > the FCP list - Patrick is a great resource. Ask questions on the list
>> > and lots of people will give you answers.
>> >
>> > We can also provide input from the sytems engineers we work with from
>> > both Avid and Apple if that would be helpful.
>> sales pitch.
> Technical resources first. Sales pitch next. Important to note: we
> sell Mac and PC-based system. The customer ultimately chooses based on
> resources provided and research he does on his own. Yeah, we sell
> stuff. Radio Shack does too. Good for us.
> Craig
> http://www.pro-tape.com
> Adobe - Apple - Avid - Canon - Denon - Digidesign - JVC - Marantz -
> Panasonic - Sony
I think there's some confusion here. If I were buying an FCP system to edit
a series on a tight deadline I'd be looking at a reasonable spec machine and
for that I'd expect to spend some serious money.
To compare that to a $399 PC is nonsense. If I was specing a PC to use as a
nonlinear edit suite I'd be looking at an HP or similar probably an xw8200
or some such. It would work out of the box to do exactly what I need it to
do after the avid software is installed. A 15 min job. If the system is
standalone (ie not internet connected) then there is nothing else to be
done. It will just work for years on end with little maintenance. Not a
cheap machine to buy but similar to a similar spec'd Mac (maybe even less
If it's to be on the internet then assuming the dealer hadn't bundled AV
software I'd buy that, $30, and install that. I may also install windows bit
defender just to be safe. Then regularly run the windows update and your
good to go.
True if you buy budget, custom build, cheap machines you may end up doing
leg work to get everything running smooth. you may even get a combination
that never really works well. But only a lunatic would do that for a serious
project and they would deserve all the issues they got.
The computer and software are like any other tool you buy to do a job. Only
as good as the money you spend on them.
With Macs you can only really buy quality products (although there have been
some dogs produced) where as PC's are supplied to a much broader market. But
for NLE you'd stick near the top and you'd be trouble free.
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