Reply to Re: Adding subliminal messages to music files

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Posted by D Parker on 11/17/48 11:47

Why do you want to know? Is it going to have something to do with
manipulating the minds of women? If so count me in!!

<> wrote in message
>I have a lot of music files.
> Is there someway I can batch process them, to create a new bunch of
> music files, which have been overlaid with some subliminal messages?
> This way I can listen to the messages on my iPod even when listening to
> my normal music.
> Ideally, it would do this:
> 1) Take all the music from my iTunes music folder.
> 2) Let me choose a second list of music,w hich will be the subliminal
> messages.
> 3) Let me choose the relative volume of the second list.
> 4) Just batch process the entire thing, into a new folder, with similar
> but not identical names. Maybe Fred.mp3 becomes Fred_sub.mp3. Each
> music file would be overlaid from start to finish with some subliminal
> messages. The messages would be rotated, perhaps randomly ordered so
> that each message has just as likely a chance of being played as the
> others.
> Is there any software to do this?
> Or would I need to write it myself? I can write software for Mac,
> although I don't know anything about processing audio.

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