Posted by OG on 05/27/06 00:07
"Janithor" <Janithor@comcast.net> wrote in message
> x-no-archive: yes
> It works great, except it says I have 1 GB of memory, but it's only
> letting me put in about 60% of that capacity. I look in Explorer, and it
> says I have ~360 MB of free space, but it's not letting me put in any more
> songs. Any help would be much appreciated.
If it is formatted as FAT there is a limit to how many files it will load
into the root directory. I don't have one myself,so it may not be the cause
of your problem; but if you've just slung all the tracks into the root it
may be the reason why. In which case, the solution is to use folders.
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