Posted by Ralf Hutter on 06/02/06 07:55
On Fri, 2 Jun 2006 00:25:16 -0700, "Richard Crowley"
<rcrowley@xpr7t.net> wrote:
>"Ralf Hutter" wrote...
>> And it is a war WE instigated. Our lousy foreign policy of the last
>> 40 years has come back to haunt us.
>What a good little sheep you are. Believe anything you
>get from CNN and NYT, et.al., do you?
No, I'm an independent skeptic. And I don't believe a lot of Fox News
either (hint).
The whole Taliban/ Al Qaida thing germed out of the Russo-Afghan war
of the '80's. We supplied the Muslim religious wingnuts with war
hardware and training against our common "enemy", those bad commies.
(strange though, those commies never rammed planes into any of our
buildings....I guess they weren't 'devoted' enough?)
Well, the war ended in defeat for the pinko commies, and soon those
loyal friends-in-arms of ours, the religious nut jobs, had extra time
to train for more ambitious goals---- The Great Satan!
How would this have played out if we'd stayed out of the Afghan war
Would the World Trade Center still be standing?
Would all those lives lost on 9-11 still be with their loved ones
Would we be more credible to the rest of the world regarding our
superior morality?
I don't know. But I would have preferred it to have played out that
Revenge always comes back to haunt you. Turn the other cheek!
Cheers, JT
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