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Posted by Roy L. Fuchs on 03/11/47 11:49

On Sat, 03 Jun 2006 23:20:05 +0800, Oldus Fartus
<> Gave us:

>wandrinandz wrote:
>> Funny that.... I always thought it was SONY that made the dead format
>> BETAMAX Sony PS3 is going to be about ?500... what a rip-off, the HD-DVD
>> Drive for the XBOX360 will only be around ?130.
>> Hello... Do you not realise that HD-DVD is the only format that is
>> considered as an extension of DVD rather than a replacement and is the only
>> format endorsed by the dvd forum... think of all the people who have
>> invested money in DVD.
>Well, it seems sarcasm goes straight over your head.
>At the end of the day, it will be what the content providers support
>that determines which, if any, format wins in this debacle. My gut
>feeling is that neither will *win* as such. Frankly, I don't care as I
>have a reasonably large DVD collection and doubt that I will update to
>another format.
>(Of course, I have been proved wrong in the past, and may be this time.
> Be interesting to Google for my comments in two or three years and
>see whether I was correct or not.)

When and if you have an HDMI compliant monitor, and SEE first hand
what a good HD DVD player can render upon your screen, you likely will
change your mind. Go back to the start of discussions of the matter
on this group, and find that I was adamantly against yet another
optical storage format. Seeing is believing.

I am now the proud owner of an HD-XA1 and an HDMI screen, and the
difference is astounding, and the player's capacity to upconvert the
former disc media is a great feature as well.

Sony only wants you to put their discs in their shit (and even with
only their properties on it, if they had their way). Better specs or
not, proprietary practices have been the death knell for a LOT of
technology moves by some of the biggest players. IBM's micro-channel
PC interface bus comes to mind. A lot of peripheral card makers were
kicking themselves in the ass for jumping on that bandwagon.

[Back to original message]

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