Posted by NRen2k5 on 06/12/06 23:56
Stephen Adams wrote:
> NRen2k5 <nomore@email.com> writes:
>> Harri Mellin wrote:
>>> In article <tPbjg.12186$U84.228562@wagner.videotron.net>,
>>> NRen2k5 <nomore@email.com> wrote:
>>>>> Yes. First, they use WMA. That means that without flip4Mac installed, I
>>>>> can't play their stuff on my Mac.
>>>> Nobody uses Mac.
>>> interesting so Apple is lying when they report sales of Macs ?
>> So less than 5% of the market share *is* worth catering to when that 5%
>> is Apple, but 30% *isn't* worth catering to when it's not Apple?
> I guess BMW, Mercedes, Volvo, etc, etc, should close up since they don't
> have marketshare that big in the US.
Wow, where the fuck did that come from? More importantly, what the fuck
does it have to do with the question?
> Do you have a *clue* about business???
I'd like to think I do. One thing's for sure - I have more of a clue in
general than you.
- NRen2k5
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