Posted by NRen2k5 on 06/12/06 23:59
Stephen Adams wrote:
> Harri Mellin <atz02-NoSpAm-@netscape.net> writes:
>> In article <tPbjg.12186$U84.228562@wagner.videotron.net>,
>> NRen2k5 <nomore@email.com> wrote:
>>>> Yes. First, they use WMA. That means that without flip4Mac installed, I
>>>> can't play their stuff on my Mac.
>>> Nobody uses Mac.
>> interesting so Apple is lying when they report sales of Macs ?
> Yeah, and that group of a dozen people I've personally helped switched to
> Mac, and the two companies I personally switched to Mac don't exist.
Nobody uses Mac. It's, what, something like one in twenty? That's
nobody. There are probably more people using Windows 98 than all MacOS's
put together.
- NRen2k5
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