Posted by Razorback on 06/14/06 18:38
Mike C wrote:
> When I move files around to different directories, inevitably it wreaks havoc on my
> playlists. Does anyone know of any utilities to help with this? I know it is best to keep
> them in the same location with the same file name. However, eventually things get
> messy and I like to reorganize.
You could use relative pathnames with your playlists. This would
require you to open each .m3u file in Notepad and delete the absolute
pathname. For example, if you have a folder called EAGLES with a
subfolder HOTEL CALIFORNIA, your playlist would reside in EAGLES and
the first line in Hotel California.m3u might look like this:
\\C:\My Documents\mp3\HOTEL CALIFORNIA/01 - Hotel California.mp3
To change it to a relative pathname, the first line in the file would
look like this:
HOTEL CALIFORNIA/01 - Hotel California.mp3
This may seem a hassle, but if you move your files around, it's either
this or rename your .m3u absolute directories every time you rearrange
your directory structure.
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