Posted by NRen2k5 on 06/14/06 19:36
Jim wrote:
> In article <fYRjg.33569$>, NRen2k5 wrote:
>>>>>> Because lying and cheating isn't enough, so you have to steal too.
>>>>> You have yet to demonstrate any of this. You keep whining on and on and
>>>>> on about how it's unfair but that isn't going to make it so.
>>>>> Prove it or shut up.
>>>>> Jim
>>>> You're the one who's whining. You don't like it, stay the fuck off of
>>>> the MP3 newsgroup.
>>> Failure to prove it noted.
>>> Jim
>> Trolling and failure to comply noted.
> *You*, millado, are the one who resorts to insults and profanity when you
> get pressed on a question you can't answer.
> Jim
You are the one who lies and resorts to fallacies and personal attacks.
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