Posted by Bill on 01/11/27 11:50
Just to make sure I'm clear: I'm absolutely imposed to censorship of
any kind of any political stripe. Historian David Irving was just
sentenced to jail in Austria for denying that the Holocaust happened.
As repulsive as I find Irving (who, incidentally, is not a bad
researcher), I am absolutely appalled at this sentence.
The only way idiocy can triumph is through the suppression of free
debate and discussion. And, eventually, only idiocy can triumph if
there is suppression of free debate and discussion.
Though this belief is tested everyday, I have a quiet faith that truth
eventually "will out". Some days, I believe, with as much fervor, that
we will continue on our way happily ignoring the same truths.
It only took the church about 500 years to acknowledge that the earth is
Bill wrote:
> The odd political debate is one thing, but this kind of cheap shot is
> another. There is no evidence that this was liberal / conservative
> issue. In fact, the media pile on to any story based on how "hot" it
> is, regardless of political angle, and that's true of both Watergate and
> Monica Lewinsky, and likely "niggardly".
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