Posted by mmaker@my-deja.com on 06/19/06 10:15
ushere wrote:
> it's not going to make an iota's worth of
> difference complaining to sony, jvc, etc., since even they don't
> recommend lp mode for universal playback capability...
In fact, I believe the manual for my TRV900 explicitly stated that LP
tapes would probably only play in the camera that recorded them. I was
lucky that the one time an editing client brought me LP tapes the
camera actually played them, because no other deck we tried could do
so: and, even then, there were a number of shots that were unusable
because of audio or video dropouts.
At least they didn't shoot on LP, the guy who copied their full-size
DVCAM tapes to Mini-DV did it in LP mode for some reason.
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