Posted by Bob A on 06/19/06 13:12
LOL. It never ceases to amaze that the people that acknowledge that
they have NEVER even used LP have so much to say about it!! The most
dire warnings and insults come from people that are clueless in terms
of actual experience. I have 7 cams/decks that all play DVLP tapes
recorded on any other one. Of course they are all Sony, who has
unquestionably the highest standards of original alignment. All bets
are off with any other brand in the mix.
As equipment ages and wears the risk increases, of course, of
recordings at any speed having playback problems. Unfortunately Sony
factory service is no guaranty that the person servicing your gear will
give a crap about the quality of the repair. (personal experience with
a VX1000 that took 4 returns to get it aligned properly and a full size
deck that has been back twice and still is won't play its own
recordings in SP)
I use LP every weekend doing 1, 2 or 3 rock/blues bands and if the
patrons are really rocking the band will delay its break till as long
as 1 and ½ hours between sets, instead of the normal 45 minute sets.
The only alternative is to use a DSR 250 or 300 but space is always at
a premium so using a large cam often isn't convenient or possible.
Dropouts often show up in the audio before the video when heads are
beginning to fail, so if your cam is high mileage you may be seeing the
warning signs that a head replacement is due.
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