Posted by Bill Vermillion on 06/20/06 07:35
In article <NLmlg.424600$tc.178295@fe2.news.blueyonder.co.uk>,
Dragon <davewhitnospam@blueyonder.co.uk> wrote:
>"Derek Janssen" <ejanss@nospam.comcast.net> wrote in message
>> byronrobinson@sympatico.ca wrote:
>>> Is anyone else as frustrated as I am about the number of security
>>> stickers they put on the dvd cases? Yesterday I bought 2 of the new
>>> Peanuts dvds. First, is it really necessary to put 2 security stickers,
>>> plus the one on the top for a dvd thats priced at $10? That seems
>>> excessive to me.
>> Back in the Good Old Days (ah, now that the "Slow HD sales" thread has got
>> me nostalgic for '99), they used to have those little pocket "zip-blades"
>> for slicing DVD and CD security-stickers in half--
>> Don't know whatever happened to them...Think they had to take them off the
>> market for making shoplifting easier.
>> Darn, if I knew that'd happen, I would've kept my old one that DVD Express
>> used to send us all the time for free. :(
>> Derek Janssen
>> ejanss@comcast.net
>i get a lot of region 1 dvds imported tome here in the UK and most of the
>stickers area complete pain in the A***, some come off great others well
>what do i say. One is adequate enough not 3
>damn Americans
And having no security stickers is what I've noticed on the
imported DVD's I get in the USofA.
It appears that stealing is many many times more prevalent
here than in the rest of the world, I'm sorry to say.
Bill Vermillion - bv @ wjv . com
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