Reply to a million dollar DVD Commentary idear

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Posted by RSF Group on 06/23/06 04:49

how about have actors do voice-overcommentary in character?

imagine a star wars dvd commentary with yoda and darth vader.

'in this scene, to the dark side annakin goes'.

'with all due respect, master yoda, lord sidious has better beer'.


how about scarface commentary with tony montana?

'look at that motherfuc*ing scene, man, i shoot all them cockroaches.
i show them piece of shi*. if i known that scum walk behind me like a
fag, i turn around and shoot his fuc*ing face! and the gunshot not
kill me. i just not know how to swim.'

or how about tuco and blondie commenting on good bad ugly?

or dirty harry?

it'd be great with comedies. woody allen in character commenting on
woody allen characters.


it'd be like sunset boulevard with the dead man's commentary.

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