Posted by That Don Guy on 06/25/06 16:02
Vaughn wrote:
> That Don Guy wrote:
>> asj wrote:
>> >Blu-ray will win because:
>> >
>> >1. There are a lot more studios behind it. HD-DVD will NOT have Disney,
>> >Sony, MGM, Lionsgate and other movies!!!! If you buy HDDVD, your choce
>> >of movies is VERY limited.
>> Strange - neither Fox nor Disney was ever supposed to be on DVD,
>> either, but just DivX (at least that's what some sales drone at
>> Circuit City told me). Also, didn't Disney's CEO announce at a recent
>> shareholders meeting that they are considering releasing HD-DVD discs
>> as well?
>Your quoting a Circuit City sales person??
My quoting a Circuit City sales person?? (Oh, wait, you meant
"you're" - yes, there's a difference.
>I'm sure Fox or Disney ever agreed with such a statement.
In February, 1998, Fox announced that it would be releasing product on
DivX - but made no mention of "regular" DVD. (As I recall, Fox and
Disney were the last major holdouts from the DVD market, and both
claimed "inadequate copy protection" as the main reason.) Paramount
was also in the "DivX-only" camp back then, and there was a bit of
talk that "Titanic" would be available only on DivX. (To be honest,
I'm not sure about Disney - it may be more "DivX first" than "DivX
only", although Disney would have fallen with love with DivX's ability
to "turn specified titles off" for a number of years, the way Disney
removes DVDs after a few months and won't sell them again for years.)
Of course, this was early 1998 - 18 months later, DivX no longer
existed. My point is that "if you buy HD-DVD, your choice of movies
is very limited" is short-term reasoning - and since "HDTV in every
home" is a number of years away, both formats need to be in it for the
long term.
-- Don
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