Posted by The Right Reverend Left Out on 03/07/92 11:51
WinField wrote:
> Surely you are aware of Region codes used by the movie barons. Isn't
> that the grocers we are discussing?
No, we're talking about musical artists and the record companies that
sell the music wanting a royalty for every copy of a song given to a
customer. Downloading the song from file-sharing sites is thus stealing
the song. Same with movies.
> > What they're trying to do is stop you from breaking open a cucumber,
> > stealing all the seeds, and planting your own crop, without paying the
> > grocer for his original cucumber.
> Wrong. Cucumber bought and paid for.
How is that?
> > How is that NOT stealing? Please explain it in terms other than "I want
> > free music."
> Technology has blind-sided your puppet masters, Cardinal Sin. Judgement
> day has come upon them. Why are you quaking in your boots?
Nice try. No cigar.
> Forcing people to go back to slower computers, smaller hard-drives and
> dialup modems would virtually stop movie & music sharing as we know it
> today. Oh, and DVD/CD burners would cetainly have to become illegal to own.
Straw man. Got anything else?
> Maybe that's a better compromise then the police state you pine for?
> The private police state of the Hollywood Goldberg's & Silversteins you
> yearn for.
Oh, so you're an anti-Semite as well! Lemme guess--the DAMM JOOS
control "the Media," right?
> Copyright holders are not gods.
My, but you DO get melodramatic when defending your theft.
> My personal freedoms, privacy and being able to watch television
> without going to jail for 15 years trump their pathetic "rights" any day
> of the week.
And you can keep saying that as they drag you off. Hope it comforts
Now goose-step on outta here, Adolf.
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