Posted by AZ Nomad on 07/03/06 00:49
On Mon, 3 Jul 2006 09:35:33 +1000, Fish! <fugu@tastyfish.com> wrote:
>In article <m5hfa29o8v92hjmghepkkun93a44m4vc1q@4ax.com>,
>DVDdoctor@nosickdvds.com says...
>> Dear Sir/Maam
>> You can't pass up this offer, so please read on......
>> We're offering all the latest garage pressed poor quality DVDs. All
>> are 100% illegal copies made to our low quality high profit standards.
>> The bottom line is we want your money and dont care how we get it as
>> long as we get it. We spam the newsgroups looking for suckers such as
>> yourself who will send us large sums of money in trade for some
>> inferior illegal copies on cheap plastic disks. If you like our spam,
>> you'll love the trash that we sell, and we'll love getting our hands
>> in your wallet. Please visit our website at www.fbi.gov and tell them
>> how much you love our spamming the newsgroups and how much you love
>> the pirated copies of disks that we sold you. They'll thank you for
>> your time. Place your order today and you can be the first person on
>> your block to go to a Federal Prison. You won't regret it.
>I'm confused, we should believe you but not them, because?
I understand you may have been living in a cave for the last ten years, but
it is a well known business where people will videocam a movie, grab cover
art from online movie posters, and put together DVDs for sale even while the
movies are still in the movie theaters.
You might not know it from that cave of yours, but the movies you
download from file sharing networks of movies still in the theaters
aren't the finest quality. You might not even be aware that
they're illegal.
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