Posted by Derek Janssen on 03/07/69 11:52
ronald felder wrote:
>>>>They show Gone With the Wind, why not Song of the South? You
>>>>could say the former is just as incorrect as the latter.
>>>Different studios, different priorities. Political Correctness isn't
>>>the only criterion at play. Warner Bros. (which owns GONE WITH THE
>>>WIND) doesn't have the obsession of a squeaky-clean, everybody's friend
>>>image that Disney has. Warner is willing to invite controversy,
>>>while Disney is not.
> That might all be true, but if it's wrong it's wrong in either case. I
> personally see nothing wrong witht he movie. That's the way things were back
> then. It's like watching a bit of history.
So....WHY did you snip the bit about Disney animator Clarence Muse being
fired from the company--for "artistic differences" with the management
over character depictions--and letters to the NAACP originating from one
very suspiciously coincidental source (despite a memo from NAACP
screeners saying they found "little objectionable" about the movie)?
....It's details like that that enliven a story, you know.
Derek Janssen (do you people even READ the links that get posted in this
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