Posted by Binba on 03/07/25 11:52
Thanks for all the responses... apparently this did stir a heated
debate :-)
I think there's truth in what everyone says: what can cause "generation
loss" in a firewire dub will be accumulative tape errors and cable
errors. The result won't be a general degredation of the picture,
rather more dropouts.
It will be actually interesting to do a binary comparison of the tape
data after 1,5,10 etc. copies. I'm sure someone has done it...
PTravel, I have to disagree with you though. At least in the earlier
days (circa 1998), we were working with the VX-1000, and I saw a LOT of
dropouts. It's the same reason that made me write this post: I'm now
cutting a short film shot with the XL-1, and 2 out of the 5 DV original
tapes are in bad condition - they play with dropouts throughout on any
deck which isn't in mint condition.
There's a reason why when it comes to masters people are strict about
stock choice, not recycling tapes, DVCAM instead of DV etc.
I moved the first question into a new post.
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