Posted by Richard Crowley on 03/07/08 11:52
ptravel wrote ...
> No -- drop out is obvious when it occurs.
Only the gross, uncorrectable dropouts (and mis-tracking
and interchange differences, and many other factors which
affect ability to read/decode digital data from tape) are
"obvious" For every "obvious" problem you see, there are
likely 100 that are either completely reconstructed, or at
least reconstructed good enough that they are not "obvious".
> DV cameras don't replace drop-out with anything,
Technically, they do. What we see as "large pixelization"
is actually replacing a bunch of individual pixels with some
"average" value for that portion of the frame because the
individual pixel values can't be recovered or reconstructed.
Back in the analog days, "replace" meant "temporal" repacement,
where a pixel would be replaced with the same pixel from the
previous frame, etc. With digital, a pixel is more likely to be
replaced with the one next to it (because that is easier/faster
in the digital circuitry)
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