Posted by just john on 07/16/06 18:54
HellPopeHuey wrote:
> Alric Knebel wrote:
>> You're giving Christianity a bit too much credit there. The only
>> thing Christian in any of those things was THE PASSION. Big box
>> office numbers came in nicely for even THE DA VINCI CODE. Good box
>> office has nothing to do with Christianity.
> True. Besides, with the exception of a few fine classics such as
> "Spartacus," the best Christian-leaning entertainment I can think of is
> watching Ned diddly-Flanders turn his two sons into clueless, Jesoid
> punching bags. Yeah, Jesus loves you, kid, but when you get on a
> trampoline two at a time, you're on your OWN.
Might I recommend "Black Robe"? It's a account of a Jesuit missionary in the
wilds of upper North America in the 1700s or so. Weirdly enough, it feels
like a lo-tech space exploration story.
* Radio Free Entropy: http://just-john.com/cn/rfe.shtml *
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