Posted by Bratboy on 11/30/05 12:21
I was wondering what the word was on SotS. I seem to recall a rumor back a
bit about Disney relenting and putting it out but nada, info wise, in some
time. Is back on the shelf or never got off the ground? Don't know about
anyone else but Im damned tired of the stupid mantra "think of the children"
we have to put up with. Sorry for the mini rant but am so fed up with this.
Why must I be forced to allow children, which I choose not to have, control
MY life and veiwing pleasure? Then again I never have understood the whole
tax breaks if you have kids deal either. Seems to me they, the parents, had
the fun of creating & its their creations that need things taxes pay for so
why should they get a break instead of me? Why should I get a heavier tax
burden when I CHOOSE to not burden the status quo by increasing the surplus
population? Why are my choices limited because of someone elses children
just might see it. Again sorry for rant, just saw a report on the cable
alacart and they just had to mention that "Oh but ppl with children might
have to pay more for kid oriented stuff and thats not fair. Think of the
children", which to me is very fair.
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