Reply to Re: Making mp3 from dvd

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Posted by Bart Bervoets on 02/18/04 11:53

We already have a civil war, it's called filesharing :)

"DarkStar" <gmvoeth@yahoo.invalid> wrote in message
>I find this import export stuff silly and disturbing.
> Lawyers are trying to invade a world that is only meant
> for science people as well as others wanting/needing entertainment in
> mind.
> There is only one concept that is important.
> Transporting/Moving files to wherever you want them to go.
> Damn the lawyers and there meddling in my techniical world.
> Export and import implys some kind of laws stepping on my freedom.
> We need a technical world free of any laws designed for
> academic freedom as well as entertainment freedom.
> We need some type civil war to insure this freedom is never
> robbed from from us by those in power.
> Academic freedom...the right to gain knowledge and awareness
> should never be capitalized on because the single best way
> to control human behavior is through pure/honest/ knowledge and awareness.
> "FatKat" <> wrote in message
>> David Henschel wrote:
>>> Hi All,
>>> I am trying to figure out a way to download a music dvd to my itunes and
>>> can't get it to work. Does anyone have a way to download a music dvd to
>>> itunes?
>> ???
>> If you have a DVD, why do you have to download it? Try to be more
>> specific about what happens when you try and import songs from your
>> disc to your computer through iTunes. Generally, I open iTunes, then
>> open up a regular WinXP file window. I click-drag the files I want
>> from the XP window into iTunes, and iTunes begins making an AAC copy
>> of the file. What happens when you try that?

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