Posted by DVD Verdict on 12/05/05 09:13
Today, DVD Verdict posted reviews of THE DUKES OF HAZZARD: UNRATED
THE DUKES OF HAZZARD: UNRATED EDITION (reviewed by Eric Profancik,
overall score 75/100):
"I knew that The Dukes of Hazzard was going to be a dumb movie, but even
with lowered expectations I found myself not enjoying the movie as much
as I had hoped."
FULL REVIEW: http://www.dvdverdict.com/reviews/dukeshazzardunrated.php
ELEKTRA: UNRATED DIRECTOR'S CUT (reviewed by Mac McEntire, overall
score 84/100):
"It isn't until about a third of the way through the movie when
something supernatural happens, in this case a ninja exploding into a
poof of green smoke. Until this point, the film takes place in a mostly
realistic setting, with little to no hints that there are fantasy
elements to it. Perhaps this was Bowman's intent, to throw a big
surprise at the audience, but instead of a shock, it feels more like a
change in tone that comes out of nowhere."
FULL REVIEW: http://www.dvdverdict.com/reviews/elektradc.php
HERBIE: FULLY LOADED (reviewed by Joel Pearce, overall score 78/100):
"Herbie's marketing wheels are turning so fast, you can practically see
them spinning on the screen. Disney's goal with Herbie: Fully Loaded was
clearly to aim at as many audiences as possible, then market like mad
for an early summer smash hit."
FULL REVIEW: http://www.dvdverdict.com/reviews/herbiefullyloaded.php
KING KONG (reviewed by Ryan Keefer, overall score 97/100):
"How does one summarize a movie that has been the starting point for so
much creativity and inspiration, and continues to do so, over seven
decades after the fact?"
FULL REVIEW: http://www.dvdverdict.com/reviews/kingkong.php
MILLIONS (reviewed by Ryan Keefer, overall score 93/100):
"Overall, the film has enough touches of Boyle in it that you remember
who's directing it, and his direction provides some transcending moments
of emotion that are enjoyed by viewers of all ages."
FULL REVIEW: http://www.dvdverdict.com/reviews/millions.php
MURDERBALL (reviewed by Bill Gibron, overall score 98/100):
"Making sure people have access to parking spaces, ramps, and other
necessary human services is one thing, but discounting their ability
because others would like to use their limitations as an excuse is
ludicrous. Joe Soares and Mark Zupan are no more flawed than people with
underdeveloped tennis backhands or lame jump shots."
FULL REVIEW: http://www.dvdverdict.com/reviews/murderball.php
RAN: CRITERION COLLECTION (reviewed by Dan Mancini, overall score
"At that stage of his life, he must have found a new and deeply personal
resonance in Lear. By grafting the play's tragic sensibilities to the
basic framework of the Mori story (a very familiar one to the Japanese),
Kurosawa delivers a film whose ruminations on war resonate in both East
and West, but whose human story is something approaching autobiography."
FULL REVIEW: http://www.dvdverdict.com/reviews/ran.php
THE SKELETON KEY (reviewed by Brett Cullum, overall score 88/100):
"The thing about Hoodoo is it doesn't work unless you believe.
Ironically, The Skeleton Key is a movie you have to suspend your
disbelief to work."
FULL REVIEW: http://www.dvdverdict.com/reviews/skeletonkey.php
Mike Jackson
Editor & Webmaster, DVD Verdict
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