Posted by clifffreeling on 08/09/06 21:21
Juan F. Lara wrote:
> In article <1155154239.967801.236570@h48g2000cwc.googlegroups.com>,
> <clifffreeling@yahoo.com> wrote:
> > Yaddayaddayadda. Wanna stick to the point and stop with
> > the Zionist red herring bullshit? Huh? It's always amusing
> > how Zionazis and their apologists twist things around to
> > the old JEW HATER mantra.
> With you prattling on about crazy Jewish conspiracies in Hollywood and
> calling Terry Zwigoff "one of the tribe"
He is. Damn boy, you've got a lot to learn.
>there's no twisting at all when applied to Cliff Reeling.
Cliff generally tries to stick to the conversation, and the facts;
might wanna give it a try sometime.
> > NAZI ALERT NAZI ALERT!!! BTW dumbass, haven't you heard? According
> > to the Zionists you love so much, Mearsheimer and Walt are Jew haters
> > who got their infomation from hate sites;
> That's their problem. You're as much an asshole as any hardliner Zionist
> or hardliner from any movement for the matter.
And you swallow every ounce of their propaganda. Good boy. They
love you.
Kill ratio of Palestinian children to Israeli children 5.7-to-1,
Israel's favor.
Kill ratio of all Palestinians to Israelis: over 3-to-1.
"Don't worry about American pressure on Israel. We,
the Jewish people, control America, and the Americans know it."
---Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, 2001
> - Juan F. Lara
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