Posted by Hop-Frog on 08/11/06 13:21
Phat Bytestard <phatbytestard@getinmahharddrive.org> wrote in
> On Wed, 09 Aug 2006 08:55:02 -0500, "Hop-Frog"
><Hop-Frog@asu.edu.spamfree> Gave us:
>>Actually, as I recall, the legal situation in the US is that fair use
>>includes sharing recordings with a few friends. Those recordings cannot
>>be distributed publicly.
> Nope.
> You're also a goddamned follow up editing retard as well, dumbfuck.
Wow, what a well-reasoned, logical, and convincing argument! Why even
bother participating in the discussion if you're not going to, well,
participate in the discussion?
I am simply Hop-Frog, the jester--and this is my last jest.
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