Posted by mv on 03/07/16 11:55
In message <Iv-dnW4KE_gl533ZnZ2dnUVZ_o6dnZ2d@golden.net>, Bill
<trash@christian-horizons.org> writes
>In our country, we used to wait until there was a trial, evidence
>presented, counter-evidence, and a conviction before finding people
>guilty of charges.
>The British are following the pattern of the American and, recently,
>Canadian police: make a host of charges public without the usual legal
>process, and long before any trials take place, so the suspects have no
>opportunity to defend themselves before the public gets a chance to
>believe that your brilliant police force has once again saved the day.
>Obviously, there are real terrorists. It is equally obvious that the
>police and the government (at least Blair and Bush) benefit from the
>public believing that these plots are real, and not just chat-room
>bravado. I will congratulate the police once they've actually
>presented real evidence and the suspects have had an opportunity to
>defend themselves.
As an iconoclastic dualist (Urbane presumption is as much of a red flag
to a bull to me as is the stupid reactionary rhetoric of 'my country,
right or wrong', but I reserve the right to totally contradict myself) I
have to agree with Bill though, but within a differing moral context.
There's so much bullshit associated with governments and their mega buck
hired lackies and low flying cap doffing flunkies, who respect
authority, any authority, that even some of the half witted 'good ole
boys' are beginning to raise an eyebrow.
My point about the lack of recognition given by US authorities and
commentators to the Brits is driven by base patriotic impulses that I
know to be wrong, but hey, I can't help it. Regardless of the bigger
geopolitical issues it's simply that since WWII the Brits have been
propping up a lot more of the Anglo American alliance than is understood
in the USA, particularly with regard to qualitative differentials on the
ground, in the air, at sea and not least, with cloak and daggers. The
meaning of the letters 'I' in CIA and FBI are a contradiction in terms.
There are innumerable accounts about this that have never made it to the
equally patriotic to a fault American media. I'll save them until
another time, but if you really want them you wont have to push too
hard.. Bush and Blair find themselves having to play a very dangerous
game in a very dangerous world where, regardless of the actual presence,
or not, of WMD's at a particular place or point in time, it is an
incontrovertible fact that Saddam had the desire and partially achieved
aspirations to have them. Good grief! We should know, he bought the
ingredients from us. The end games now developing with Iran and North
Korea in this respect are no different. But lets not be naive in our
political correctness, we, the Anglo American alliance, believing
ourselves to be the defenders of Western Civilisation, have managed to
skilfully place a powerful army right in the midst of the enemies camp.
Given the likely probability of an impending clash of civilisations,
some might call that a sound military manoeuvre, and heck, they even
managed to carry it off under a complete smoke screen. Our army is
hidden in plain sight. Yes of course we want access to the oil and of
course we don't want a bunch of crazed and very pissed off locals to
upset the delicate balance of our geostrategic well being. It's called
survival, and like the rest of nature, it's red in tooth and claw.
Absolutely regardless of the moral rights and wrongs and all the evils
of the past, we, as Western Civilisation, simply cannot tolerate any
fanatical and dangerously self destructive enemies having potentially
genocidal power. Nevil Chamberlain might have but Winston Churchill
certainly wouldn't. Defence is like a game of chess, the winner is the
one who can correctly predict the end game from the beginning, and
doesn't blink first. Sure as hell there'd be no point including the
democratic population in the secret, sure as hell they'd screw up the
whole plan, open up the gates and invite the Trojan Horse right in.
Democracy is merely the best option we can manage to achieve in a world
populated by hypocrites. It's far from perfect because we are far from
perfect, look who we vote in for fucks sake. It certainly isn't the
Kingdom of Heaven and I don't anticipate that being a democracy either.
Bush and Blair can not trust the wilful ignorance of their largely knee
jerk responsive electorates or the pat moral affectations of their
detractors.. The fact that they are both condescending arseholes, liars
and hypocrites is irrelevant. 'It's war Jim, but not as we know it' So
who do you want to be, the shooter or the shot?
One of the sad and potentially dangerous aspects of shallow TV is where
it misleads viewers about the major issues facing us today. The moral
hypocrisy of Fox News is obvious to all but the dim witted, but it's
particularly worrying when such callow presentations are delivered by
presenters who are largely regarded as doyens of considered and
impartial reporting. The disproportionate and puerile reporting of the
current crises in the Middle East and Afghanistan are perhaps the most
pertinent cases in point. For example, the recent interviewing of an
invited 'expert' about the causes of the conflicts between Arabs and
Israelis who begins by considering the events of 1948 and is then
interrupted by the doyen newscaster who, ignoring this fundamental
consideration, simply asserts that it all began with the kidnapping of
two or three soldiers last month. One hopes that in the real world of
expedient politics, silly sound bite rhetoric is not relied upon as a
basis for negotiation, oh bugger! It would seem that's exactly how they
do it, no wonder they never find a solution. There's something uncannily
similar about politicians and the TV establishment, and by that I'm not
referring to the big bosses only. The baseless but confident aplomb of
TV can convince a significant section of society that black is white.
It's almost akin to subliminal brain washing. It's actually quite scary
how little even the allegedly sophisticated and educated know about the
world we live in and even scarier that they often don't seem to care
beyond the level of 'job done, on schedule and on budget'. High
production values and the faux gravitas of an articulate and engaging
presenter can degenerate mere triteness and falsification by omission to
the level wickedness.
John Lubran
Bullshit baffles brains.
Patriotism is the last refuge of the scoundrel
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