Posted by Goro on 12/11/05 04:02
I decided to rewatch a few of my fave Yamada Yoji films and then
branched off and watched a few a hadn't seen before. Made for quite a
beautiful week.
Takakura Ken can do no wrong and neither can Baisho Chieko.
YELLOW HANKERCHIEF - still beautiful. Touching ending. Takakura Ken
is always great.
THE VILLAGE - I forgot totally about this movie so when I watched it
there were major bits that I didn't remember. Wow. I just wanted to
HUG this movie.
GAKKO - Still lovely. So heartfelt.
A DISTANT CALL FROM SPRING - As good as I remembered. I love this
movie; it's like a Japanese SHANE.
TASOGARE SEIBEI - Still great. My mom's fave.
TORA-SAN 1 - Left me a bit cold. Torajiro being such a clueless jerk
(yeha, i know, but still..). I never could quite empathize/sympathize
with him in this movie.
TORA-SAN 2 - For whatever reason, far more enjoyale Tora-san movie. I
laughed out loud at silly little things quite a bit. Predictable plot
and plot elements but still fun. End was great.
Watched for the first time:
HOME FROM THE SEA - Interesting and enjoyable but still not quite fully
engaged me. I was waiting for something to "happen" that would allow
them to stay...
MY SONS - Wow. Really bowled me over. Started off slow but then just
had so much to it.
FINAL TAKE - Loved it. Loved the resolution. The grand scene really
moved me.
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