Posted by nappy on 09/21/06 01:09
> Never said I was important and you sensing that says a lot more about you
> than it does about me, chappie, but it's hard to ignore an animal in pain.
Whew.. Ty.. are you dumber than a rock or what? As the ONLY one who posted
here to 'watch out for Nappy' you sure seem to enjoy this.. Did that occur
to you?
> Thanks for the assessment. I'll be sure to include it on my resume.
It would be good for your resume to have at least one thing on it..
> With so many friends, why not go play with them in all of your vastness
> and
> leave all the assholes here. We'd all benefit from it.
I stopped 'playing' with my friends at around age ten.. You will soon too..
> Hoping you leave soon, or not, which ever cures your sores.
Again.. Ty.. I think the only cure for you is to go fuck yourself.. Or do
another 'equipment review' :)))
(do you really want to go around more on this one? I am happy to come here
just to insult you.. but.. it does get boring after a while)
> Ty Ford
> -- Ty Ford's equipment reviews, audio samples, rates and other
> audiocentric
> stuff are at www.tyford.com
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