Reply to Re: 50% of HDTV owners don't watch HD

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Posted by Jeff Rife on 03/07/62 11:34

David Levy ( wrote in
> Is it "cool" to spend money on a tuner that will never be used?

No, and you have the same problem with speakers on TVs, NTSC tuners on TVs,
and a whole plethora of other "bundled" systems (look at car manufacturers
for the worst examples).

The fact of the matter is that ATSC will be the standard for TV in the US,
and like NTSC, whether you use the tuner or not, it needs to be in every TV.

Jeff Rife | "I have a question that could affect our entire
| relationship...did you kill Coach Mattay?"
| "No!"
| "But, you did dress him up like a woman...?"
| "Yeah."
| "Just checking."
| -- Alex Lambert and Brian Hackett, "Wings"

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