Posted by Damon on 03/07/13 11:59
Stepwallet wrote:
> You have other suggestions as to what to do with a four point something
> gig ISO file, or from which media it will have been pulled? Perhaps you
> do. Or perhaps you're complaining that it isn't small, round and plastic
> with a DVD sticker on it. Ridiculous.
> In brief answer to a few more replies: I didn't know it was locked, if
> it isn't PotC2 then I'm even more interested to see out of curiosity
> what it actually is, and fallen for what exactly - we may have noticed I
> don't throw my real address about when it's important not to (although I
> do 99% of the time).
> As for bleating about the UMD remit - have you actually read the group?
> What a waste of time.
You twat, go re-read this thread properly and you will see I was the
only one who was trying to help you to the point that I went out of my
way to try and find some passwords that might work. At the same time I
was also the only one who politely suggested that you try more
appropriate groups for your enquiries when everyone else told you to
fuck off, then you turn on me.
As for what else you can do with a 4. something ISO file, here are 2
suggestions, neither of which include a DVD Disc 1/ You can mount it on
a virtual DVD rom drive and watch it like a DVD or 2/ you can extract
it to your hard drive and watch it from there using something like VLC
Player so in essence what you have a pirated video file and not a DVD,
you have at best film, this is a group related to DVD media and retail
DVD with occasional hardware questions not a general film group and not
a group on filesharing or piracy.
I am through trying to help you and being polite. And as for me
reading this group, I have been reading and posting on this group for
over 5 years, while you have been posting for 2 days, still long enough
to know that it isn't a group related to pirated films. Have you read
the group and seen what responses piracy posts generate. No because
you haven't bothered to check. Here is a link that includes the group
charter http://tinyurl.com/gfmj7
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