Posted by Sean Black on 10/05/06 07:56
In article <jNednWfHpN1zobnYnZ2dnUVZ8tOdnZ2d@giganews.com>, kim
<ntscuser@aol.com> writes
>"POD {Ò¿Ó}" <DONT.EVEN.TRY.IT@DEADSPAM.COM> wrote in message
>> My plazzy has one HDMI input, and I currently use that with my upscaling
>> DVD player, but I was thinking of getting HiDef cable tv, also HDMI, this
>> goes back to the days of one scart socket on your telly...how would I get
>> both devices working together??
>A friend in New York has the same problem. There are switching boxes
>available but they are ludicrously expensive at present.
Not all of them, I bought a two way HDMI manual switch box a few months
back for £20 plus VAT, they also did a 4 one for £30 plus VAT. It's
nothing fancy, but it does the job.
Sean Black
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