Posted by JF on 10/10/06 11:25
{{{{{Welcome}}}}} wrote:
> Thus spaketh JF:
>> I have seen this site. I was planning to buy My name is earl series 1.
>> It is £6 cheaper than play.com, but noticed that they also did
>> rentals. Are the DVD's on this site brand new or are they ex-rentals.
>> Are they reliable?
>> Cheers
>> John
> I use SendIt all the time, along with many other online dvd retailers,
> the DVDs are brand new and sealed.
> Never had any problems with SendIt, but then I've never had any problems
> with any of the many other online DVD retailers either.
> I always believe is saving money, so never show any loyalty to any one
> retailer, I use comparison services, to get the best price, and then go
> via a cashback site to get a percentage back.
Any chance of some links for comparison sites?
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