Posted by on 10/16/06 08:57
Thanks for all the replies, but another option has occurred to me. My
laptop has got a Roxio(?) DVD burner software. Could I connec the VCR
to the laptop and transfer the video. Then burn the film to a DVD and
watch it?
kim wrote:
> <> wrote in message
> > Just bought a DVDR (panasonic). We've got loads of old films on video
> > and I'd like to transfer them to DVD and therefore get rid of the old
> > VCR. I play the video through one of the AV channels but I keep getting
> > the error message "cannot record". Is this a setup fault? Or a
> > copywright issue?
> Yes, it's a copyright issue. Am friend had the same problem with his
> Panasonic (DMR-E50). He solved it by buying a so-called "video stabiliser".
> He tells me that not only bypassed the copy protection, there was a vast
> improvement in the quality of his VHS transfers.
> Regretably, the firm he bought it from (Lektropacks) say they no longer
> supply this kind of equipment. I'm told Maplin doesn't either but there are
> plenty of other firms advertising on the internet and in the back pages of
> video magazines.
> (kim)
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