Posted by Mark Jones on 11/07/06 04:13
PTravel wrote:
> "Paul Hyett" <pah@nojunkmailplease.co.uk> wrote in message
> news:rc3czUKy$tTFFwDY@blueyonder.co.uk...
>> No, you're a 'Nazi' because you apply the law unquestioningly - if
>> you'd been living in Germany between 1933 & 1945, no doubt you'd
>> have blindly shipped Jews off to the camps, despite knowing full
>> well what would happen to them, just because it was 'the law'.
> And with that, this discussion is over.
In this case, the analogy is actually appropriate. You are advocating
blind obedience to what an authority figure says, when the reality
is that a juror is free to vote guilty or not guilty without having to
explain to anyone exactly how they arrived at their decision.
The best way to prevent tyranny is to never grant absolute
authority to anyone when you don't have to.
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