Posted by PorchMonkey4Life on 11/25/06 18:09
PorchMonkey4Life wrote:
> Kazuko mumbled:
>>>> "PorchMonkey4Life" babbled:
>>>> A flamewar that TooB*tchy aka TB aka T.B. aka Apocalypticos
>>>> started and has lost. In this flamewar we basically say
>>>> disgusting things about each other with nothing
>>>> off limits. My advice to you is to use your killfile or filter
>>>> function to tune us out.
>> My advice to YOU is to get your ass out of Mum's
>> basement and get a life, idiot.
> My advice to you is to stick your odd looking head as far up your
> cavernous as$ as possible, $hitstain.
> Die, b*tch.
Oh I forgot to say, go f*ck yourself as$hole... Okay now I'm done.
Unless you want more, b*tch
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