Posted by Sheygetz on 11/28/06 18:41
OK, I finally found just the program myself. MP3Tag indeed does import
playlist, i.e. you can tag across a wild array of directories all the
files you put into a playlist - say, all Winamp 3* rated titles. Also
the program allows tagging for almost any field in the specs, among
others the "encoded by" field, which incidentally is also read by
Winamp and can be employed to build ML views.
So, all Winamp 3* rated titles go into 3star.m3u, this is then opened
in Mp3Tag. All files are tagged 3* in the "encoded by" field. Now, if
ever your Winamp ML gets lost or blown to pieces, you can either
restore the ratings from that field, or better still, do henceforth not
use the proprietary rating, but enter your ***s in that field in Winamp.
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