Posted by Tom Horsley on 11/30/06 01:33
On 29 Nov 2006 15:47:12 -0800
"BD" <robert.drea@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > What is the best home DVD player out there with HDMI and plays DivX,
> > > but is not too expensive? Any site with a list and comparisons? Thanks.
> >
> > Any computer running linux and mplayer
> Will such a setup really give me HDMI? Optical/Coax digital audio?
> Component video?
I'm using my Westinghouse LVM-42w2 1080p monitor as both a TV display and
have it hooked to my computer (via DVI). I've also got the optical digital
audio running out to my receiver, and I can play widescreen DVDs with
mplayer doing the scaling up to fill the screen and sending the audio
out the optical connection.
Of course, it was a pain the the patoot to get it all working :-).
For instance, here is the obscure gibberish I need to use to play
most DVDs:
amixer set IEC958 unmute
amixer set 'IEC958 Playback AC97-SPSA' 0
amixer set 'IEC958 Playback Source' PCM
exec mplayer dvd://1 -alang en -ao alsa:device=hw=0.0 -ac hwdts,hwac3, \
-monitoraspect 16:9 -fs
Of course, that doesn't work right for nasty letterbox (rather than
anamorphic) DVDs, for them, more work is needed to fiddle the mplayer
command and get the right cropping parameters specified. (And the
amixer commands above are unique to the audio system on my motherboard,
different gibberish is required for different soundcards).
But I was able to use all the time I saved waiting for DVDs to get
through the menus to research how to make linux work :-).
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