Posted by Roberto Pirezzi on 12/01/06 15:35
"Gunther Gloop" <me@privacy.net> wrote in message
> {{{{{Welcome}}}}} wrote:
>> Thus spaketh Gunther Gloop:
>>> I had a book delivered to me from play.com yesterday.
>>> Strangely, the last 100 pages or so are all b0rked... some pages have
>>> a double-width internal margin, making words run off the edge of the
>>> outside page. Others have a double external margin -with the 'inside'
>>> part of each sentence scrunched in too far to be legible.
>>> Luckily I spotted this before I began.
>>> Anyway, I filled out the "returns" section on their site and sent it
>>> off yesterday, but so far have heard nothing back. I'm not at all
>>> happy with these kinds of 'automatic' online forms -who knows where
>>> it's gone!? And also, I have no record of sending it.
>>> So is there another more-direct method of contacting play.com?
>> 01534 877 595
> Thanks.
> I rang them up a few hours ago. She said she would be emailing an RMA
> number to me immediately. I think I'm forgotten.
> Again.
> -Kevin.
Forgotten? Nah, I doubt it.
What was the question again? :-)
> --
> Email replies to: news1@SPAMBEGONEkevinforde.com
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