Posted by Bill's News on 12/06/06 17:30
Citizen Bob wrote:
> On 5 Dec 2006 08:24:47 -0800, "TH" <thehendersons44@aol.com>
> wrote:
>>> NF needs to change their language to include the phrase
>>> "normal
>>> viewing". That would exclude anyone who copies.
>> How do you prove that? And what's "normal viewing?"
> Like deciding what is porn, you use "community standards".
Hmmmm, Netflix can not apply a community standard, they are a
national company.
My community, as an example, is a retirement community with a
large enough population to consider incorporation as a city.
The vast majority of us do not spend 8 hours a day at a job, nor
4 hours more getting to and from it. Our homes and gardens are
maintained for us. While we have a large and active
computer-users group and an on-site computer training center,
the overwhelming majority of our households do not have a
computer. A good portion of our citizens are not ambulatory.
For all of us, TV represents some portion of a day's
entertainment - obviously much more for some than others.
For those of us who have the time and desire to watch TV in the
day time, there is a dearth of broadcast entertainment - so a
large private lending-library and video rentals have been an
active source of entertainment for many here for a long time.
And it (video rental or borrowing) serves too as a social
activity, as many share the experience with friends and
Because of the relatively small number of on-line residents,
Netflix probably does a disproportionately low volume of
business here - among my nearby neighbors there is only one
beside myself and fewer than a half-dozen PC users. Our
privately owned library does quite a high volume of DVD & VCR
lending. And the same attitude found here exists among its
patrons, they line up before the library opens its doors to get
first crack at the newest additions to the collection. Move
quickly or get trampled by the empyreal walkers!!
Imperial: has to do with empire.
Empyreal: inspiring awe
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