Posted by Stuart Miller on 12/10/06 05:11
"Mike Fields" <spam_me_not_mr.gadget2@comcastDOTnet> wrote in message
> "Citizen Bob" <spam@uce.gov> wrote in message
> news:457af0ad.34191156@news-server.houston.rr.com...
>> On Sat, 9 Dec 2006 07:16:28 -0800, "Mike Fields"
>> <spam_me_not_mr.gadget2@comcastDOTnet> wrote:
>>>If you are burning a data CD/DVD, there is a checkbox
>>>in the burn dialog for "verify after burn" or something like
>> I use that when I burn a disc. I want to verify I have already burned.
>> The reason is because sometimes Nero reports a bad verification
>> because the disc is slightly dirty. So I clean the disc and now I want
>> to re-verify what has already been burned.
> Ah, I hadn't understood it that way. I can see possibly being able
> to verify an ISO, but not a data DVD/CD after the fact in general.
> Many people (me included) will drag folders from several places
> onto the Nero "structure" to burn, so after the fact, nothing would
> know where to look for the various folder sources. If you are
> just copying a tree of some sort, check out something like
> BeyondCompare (not free, but very good), but for when the
> chunks come from various locations, I don't know how you
> would do it.
This one is a matter of procedure.
First I copy all the data I want on the dvd into a workspace, and verify
filesize and file count
Then I have a valid complete 'original' to compare the burned disc to.
Then burn this workspace onto the dvd, verify, and delete workspace.
This also make the copy go more smoothly when some or all of the data comes
acoss my LAN - I don't want network issues messing up a burn.
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