Posted by Brian Meadows on 12/27/05 14:43
On Fri, 14 Oct 2005 11:06:12 +0100, Terry Pinnell
<terrypin@dial.pipex.com> wrote:
>Any Nero user able to help please? Here's a little more detail:
>I posted a similar query earlier, but I'll try aging here with more
>explicit details.
>I used the updates at
>to update my OEM package ( etc, came with my drive in June) to
> etc. These parts installed OK: Nero-,
>But after installing NVE- ShowTime now seems broken.
>DVDs that I recorded myself which played OK before are now terrible.
>They play a fraction of a second (with sound), then there is about 5
>seconds frozen, then another fraction, and so on.
>Also, on commercial DVDs I am now seeing a message that "Dolby Digital
>2-channel decoding is not available". Yet I'm pretty sure I could get
>sound before. And my other DVD players, such as PowerDVD and WMP9,
>play the audio OK.
>So, I hope the experts here can help answer these please:
>1. Why are my previously 'good' DVDs not playing?
>2. How can I get a sound track on commercial DVDs?
>BTW, I've emailed Nero Tech Support, but from experience I'm not
>hopeful of getting any reply. Do others get any response?
This is a bit late, Terry, but I've only just started looking
through the newsgroups to see how others have done with Nero.
Basically I wouldn't put any hope in them at all. I registered
Nero 6 Ultra for the video capabilities, and then found that both
ShowTime AND the video DVD writing routines locked my PC solid
when used.
Three months of exchanges with Nero tech support (there seems to
be about a two week turnround on replies) and they've finally
pointed me at their list of minimum hardware requirements - a
list that sure as hell wasn't linked from anywhere in the
registration process!
In addition, their tech support told me at one point in the
exchange that they'd reproduced my problem and that it would be
fixed in the next release - only to tell me that the message had
been "a mistake" when I'd waited for the next release and found
the problem was unchanged.
They're now blaming the specs of my PC for the problems. Well,
OK, I can accept that a twin CPU machine based on 500 MHz PIIIs
is outside their specs for video (once I found the list on their
WWW site, and it isn't that easy), but I sure as hell don't
accept that *reproducibly* locking a PC solid (I can't even get
the Win2K task manager up) when it doesn't meet the minimum
specification is evidence of well-written software.
I wouldn't touch Nero with a barge pole - but if there's anyone
who would like a cheap Nero 6 Ultra registration key, feel free
to e-mail me an offer for mine!
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