Reply to Re: HDDVD/Bluray: stillborn or coma

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Posted by Martin Heffels on 01/05/07 07:28

On Fri, 05 Jan 2007 01:50:28 GMT, "CJ" <> wrote:

> What's the point?? A dual player still forces the customer to choose one
>format over the other, now they just get to do it on a per-movie-basis based
>upon quality or price of the individual movie in HD-DVD or Blu-Ray

The point is that it saves you the space of a second player :-) Of course
it would be great to have just one format, but given the development money
put in both formats (the 3rc, Chinese format probably has been developed
much cheaper ;-) ), none of the consortia will give in. With the Beta vs
VHS fight, there were only a few parties involved, but this is much bigger.

And to complicate matters, there is also "Total HD" coming up :-)



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