Posted by {{{{{Welcome}}}}} on 01/05/07 17:39
Thus spaketh kim:
> "Adrian A" <> wrote in message
>> {{{{{Welcome}}}}} wrote:
>>> Thus spaketh Adrian A:
>>>> Bobly wrote:
>>>>> Happy New Year Everyone,
>>>>> Can anyone recomend a good DVD recorder for about £200-250 i was
>>>>> looking at the panny £199 in Currys.
>>>>> Thanks for any input.
>>>> If you buy online you can save money and also get a multiregion
>>>> machine. For example:
>>> £10 for delivery.
>>> Free delivery.
>>> Though I've always popped to the shop to pick up any items I'm
>>> after.
>> That's why I said for example, if I'd been looking for myself I would
>> probably found it cheaper.
> Really? I was asked to pay *more* for a DVD player bought in person at
> Superfi than buying the same item via their website which included
> free delivery!
> (kim)
Yeah, occasionally I find the same with various retailers.
60 day free DVD rental:
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