Posted by fuck-bush on 12/31/05 04:52
On Fri, 30 Dec 2005 14:14:43 -0800, "Richard C."
<post-age@spamcop.net> wrote:
>X-No-archive: yes
>"Walter R." <wer25@example.com> wrote in message
>>I am in the process of copying some movies to my own DVDs. What will happen
>>when the HDTV format takes over in a couple of years? Of course, VCRs and
>>VCR tapes will become worthless.
>HDTV format is already here. Almost all prime-time network TV is and has
>been HD for a while now.
>DVDs work perfectly on a HDTV set.
>VHS looks so-so.
>> Will my DVDs become equally obsolete in 2 years? Although they are
>> digital, they will be using the wrong format.
>Why are you worried?
>I still use LD for many movies and they still work.
They can take their fucking HDTV and shove it up their asses. I'm
sick of the fucking government telling us what to do. If they want me
to change to HDTV, they goddamn well better come here and replace
every one of my standard tv sets with a hdtv set at no cost to me. I
could care less about hdtv. I have seen them in the stores and I see
little improvement in quality. Surely not worth the very high cost to
change. Of course as long as we have these fucking Nazi Republicans
in washington, we will continue to lose our freedoms, our rights and
our money. I'll be goddamned if I'm gonna have to replace all my tv
sets because some rich bastard in washington wants more of my money,
and there is no way I am going to spend $1000 or more for some fucking
tv set with a fancy name (hdtv) printed on it, when it does the same
goddamn thing as my old tv's that all cost less than $100. Hdtv is a
fucking hoax. If anyone is willing to spend a thousand dollars for a
measly 1% improvement in picture quality, let them, but when they tell
me that I MUST change, they can suck my fucking cock.
This message is not intended for anyone under 18 due to language,
however, I am saying it exactly how I feel about it, and I am not
willing to hold back on my feelings when the fuckers in Washington are
involved. Every one of them from the asshole Bush (who was not
legally elected), on down, can fuck off. I hope each and every
fucking one of them are electricuted by their goddamn hdtvs.
Fuck Bush
Fuck the GOP
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