Posted by MassiveProng on 01/13/07 15:13
On Fri, 12 Jan 2007 13:28:25 -0500, Derek Janssen
<ejanss@nospam.comcast.net> Gave us:
>Lightning wrote:
>> Sony is so very stupid.
>> Beta died because Sony was so very monoplolisic on controlling every
>> sector of the media. Mfg's dropped it and people didn't buy.
>> Here is the true death nail for Bluray
>> http://tinyurl.com/ybgto3
>Let me guess: Not even opening the link, and the Great Karnak says
><nrrnrnrrr>..."What is that danged porn article, again?" :)
>Actually, accdg. to Digital Bits' analysis of CES '07, where things
>stand right now isn't far off:
>HD is leading in hardware production and ease/cheapness of replication,
>Blu is leading in software-title studio loyalty, and consumer sentiment
>is embracing Dual-Format...
>That's called a three-way battle, and it's just getting interesting.
>Analysts always use *one* of the three factors to determine the "leader"
>and right now it's evenly split depending on school of thought.
>One week ago, I, like everybody else, would've given the
>judges'-decision to Blu-Ray just for the studio-tie-in advantage, but
>Warner and LG have singlehandedly thrown the game for a loop.
"You're very good, but I have a secret!"
HD DVD camp:
"What's is it?"
Sony, switching hands:
"I am not left handed!... Ha!"
HD DVD Camp, switching hands, all in unison:
"Neither are we! Ha!"
The game, she is afoot.
I think the dual format moves are a sign that Sony is stumbling.
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