Posted by Bob Moore on 01/15/07 19:13
On Mon, 15 Jan 2007 15:02:50 GMT, "The Thing"
<TheThing@blueyonderSPAMMY.co.uk> wrote:
>If there was only one High Definition DVD format, would you have brought a
>machine by now?
No - I don't possess a HD display screen. But even if someone gave me
such a beast next week, I wouldn't buy a player at the moment. Even a
dual-format player wouldn't convince me to buy, because I don't want
to find half my library useless a few years down the line when one
format has won and I need to replace the player.
It's a total bloody mess, and a crying shame that there wasn't a
single force in the industry powerful enough to bang the necessary
heads together right at the beginning. Idiots.
On the positive side, at the least the debacle means the screen
manufacturers get time to catch up, and by the time I buy in, a true
1080p screen should cost (slightly) less than a completely insane
amount of money :-)
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